@extends('layouts.app') @section('content') {{--*/ usort($tableGrid, "SiteHelpers::_sort") /*--}}
@if(Session::get('gid') < 3) Search Clear Search {{ Lang::get('core.btn_reviewreminder') }} @if(Session::get('gid') ==1) @endif @endif
@if(Session::get('gid') < 3)
Note: Since Yahoo!(Aabaco) only allow batches of 100, all reviews are Queued. If there are any errors, you will receive a message in your notification area.
@endif @if(empty($rowData))
You have not left any product reviews. Please visit your orders page to review products you have purchased.
@else {!! Form::open(array('url'=>'reviews/delete/', 'class'=>'form-horizontal' ,'id' =>'SximoTable' )) !!}
@foreach ($tableGrid as $t) @endforeach @foreach ($rowData as $row) @foreach ($tableGrid as $field) @if($field['view'] =='1') @if(SiteHelpers::filterColumn($limited )) @endif @endif @endforeach @endforeach
{{ Lang::get('core.btn_action') }}
@if($field['field'] == 'approved') {!! ($row->$field['field'] ? 'yes' : 'no') !!} @else {!! $row->$field['field'] !!} @endif @if($access['is_detail'] ==1) @endif @if($access['is_edit'] ==1 && (!$row->approved || Session::get('gid') < 3)) @endif @if(Session::get('gid') < 3) @if(!$row->approved) @else @endif @endif
{!! Form::close() !!} @endif @include('footer')