Display Settings


Faceted search allows you to display a dynamic list of filters to allow users to drill down into search results by any value of any attribute.

List of attributes to use for faceting.
The number of facet values retrieved when searching. Default: 100.

Display & Pagination

Configure how the hits are retrieved.

Number of hits per page. Default: 20
Attributes of the records that will be sent within the answer to a search.
List of attributes that cannot be retrieved at query time.
Default list of attributes to snippet by a specified number of maximum words.
Default list of attributes to highlight when they match a query.
If set to false, words matched through synonyms will not be replaced by the matched synonym in the highlighted result.
The string that is inserted before the highlighted parts in the query result. Default: <em>
The string that is inserted before the highlighted parts in the query result. Default: </em>
Enable the distinct deduplication feature for objects that have the same value in the attributeForDistinct attribute.
Attribute used for the deduplication by the distinct feature.